
Established 2022

Having spent the last 18 years in Public Practice, I have gained a good wealth of knowledge when it comes to working with tax returns, business financials, tax and taxation issues. This gave me the confidence to start up my own practice, a change that is both rewarding and fulfilling.

I have extensive experience with Companies and Trusts, Partnerships and Sole Traders and have a broad knowledge of taxation matters including: Capital Gains Tax, Business Structures and complex GST issues.

I am also able to complete your financial statements, income tax returns and other items relating to all entities.

However, my real passion lies in working alongside small businesses, seeing them grow and gaining a good relationship with them. Many Accountants simply deal with the compliance aspect of the industry rather than getting to know the business, however I find that there’s often a layer of complexity especially when it comes to the financial aspect of a business and I enjoy working through these aspects with the business owners and forming a good working relationship with them.

William Amoraal


To build relationships with Clients benefiting them in the starting, running and maintaining their business


